Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Discussion Quesstions: Kapper & Norris and Tardy

Ibrahim Ashour
ENGL 825: 2nd Lang. Literacy
Dr. Lisya Seloni
October 7, 2009

Chapters 13 and 14’s Discussion Questions

1- Kapper suggests that second language writing scholars and researchers collaborate with teacher researchers. How and why do you think such collaboration possible and effective?

2- As a second language writing researcher, do you agree with and can you think of any "cans" and "shoulds" other than those suggested by Kapper on page 260? To what degree do you take such suggestions into account?

3- In what ways does politics with a capital (C) affect the workings of your class (writing class or otherwise)?

4- In what ways does politics with a small (c) affect the workings of your class (writing class or otherwise)?

5- What is the politics that Norris and Tardy are examining in their chapter? Do you agree with their definition? Why and why not?

6- It is always suggested that we, teachers of writing or other language skills, are supposed to address students’ very needs (p. 263).

A- What does “real” mean to you?
B- How “real” is what you think “real” is?
C- Is meeting students’ needs feasible? Why and why not?
D- Is that what we actually do?

7- Can you think of other kinds of politics in your own context?

8- If you are conducting research on classroom relations in the midst of the larger context of politics, what theoretical frameworks can you ground your research on?

9- What is real learning? Can you think of some “real” writing activities and assignments?

10- How can institutional politics shape your identity as a teacher?

11- Power relations shape what we say and do. What is/are one/some definition(s) you can give to the concept of power?

12- In what ways do you see/do you not see the Collaborative Learning Approach to writing a hazard to classroom relations? Will such an approach be tolerated in your EFL/ESL/mainstream context(s)? Please give specific examples.

13- Some researchers argue that the classroom could be seen as a micro-political system that mirrors the macro system (the country’s politics at large). What do you think? Please justify your answer.

14- Which politics do think “determines” the following? Some categories look similar and/or are thought of in terms of General-Specific.

A- Lesson planning
B- Classroom activities
C- Assignments
D- The omputer technology used
E- Curriculum
F- Course evaluation
G- Reporting students’ performance
H- Teacher supervision
I- Grading
J- Students’ motivation to learn
K- Your motivation to both teach and learn
L- The topics discussed
M- Syllabus
N- Your responding to a piece of writing
O- Course credit
P- Reporting a teacher’s performance
Q- Your role in the classroom
R- Teacher evaluation
S- Raising students’ critical thinking awareness and skills
T- Classroom management
U- Being critical yourself
V- The textbook(s)
W- Office hours/Extra help after the class
X- Students’ performance
Y- Your performance as a teacher


15- As a writing teacher, teacher researcher or second language scholar do you feel you have become a “puppet” manipulated and directed by a “political puppeteer”?